Sell your home
Are you thinking about selling real estate?
Ask for a free appraisal from our experts.

Roya International Estate agents
will be with you.

We are a British real estate company, and we specialise in tailor-made real estate solutions.

Remarkable properties need a great deal of skill and experience in addition to specific care. Roya International is the leading luxury British real estate in Erbil, with a focus on marketing premium and luxury properties. Together, we evaluate your goals and establish sales targets. You will receive information from our experts regarding the real estate project's tax and legal frameworks in the real estate markets of Erbil, Kurdistan, Dubai, UAE, and the UK.

We assess your great property in terms of location and infrastructure, quality and condition, features and amenities, as well as potential use, following a comprehensive inspection and meticulous review of all pertinent documentation. Realising your property's maximum potential is essential to the assessment procedure. We know exactly what quality-conscious buyers are looking for and can help you maximise your property’s appeal.

We create the best marketing strategy based on your sales goals and time frame.


A wide range of promotions and adaptable chances for international visibility are provided by the Roya International real estate company’s special real estate marketing programme. We determine the buyer profile for each upscale property so that we may customise our strategy and marketing. As a result, we take care to speak to the appropriate audience. Our demonstrated proficiency in the identification and creation of suitable media is advantageous to sellers.


Roya International offers unmatched access to qualified wealth in collaboration with Roya International Estate Agents headquarters in the United Kingdom. We specifically target affluent customers whose purchase behaviour, financial capabilities, and lifestyle align with your property in order to attain the greatest potential sales outcome. Our experts arrange and lead property tours, assess incoming bids or prices, represent your interests in sales talks, and offer expert assistance until the ultimate closing and beyond.

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